A harrowing new documentary aired on Channel 4 UK on 17th December 2024, shedding light on one of the darkest chapters in Syria’s history. The investigative report exposes the existence of mass graves, remnants of the brutal reign of Bashar al-Assad. These sites, long hidden from the world, are a chilling testament to the atrocities...
Photograph: Yasin Akgul/AFP/Getty Images After more than a decade of suffering under the oppressive rule of Bashar al-Assad, Syria has entered a new chapter—one of freedom and rebuilding. The end of dictatorship marks a pivotal moment in the nation’s history, but the road ahead is challenging. Years of war have left deep scars, not only...
Photo: YASIN AKGUL/AFP/Getty Images Give Brite was created out of a deep desire to bring hope to those suffering in the face of unimaginable hardship. Inspired by the 13 long years of war and destruction in Syria, which left countless lives lost, families torn apart, and children orphaned with nowhere to turn, our platform emerged...
Foysol Al Kaatib Al Kaatib has been unstoppable. An expert fundraiser who has now managed to raise a phenomenal £1 million through GiveBrite! Yes, you heard right! The Award Winning International Renowned Calligraphist didn’t begin small either. With running 5k a day for 5 months, raising money during the pandemic and travelling across the world...
Afruz Miah is making moves! The Running Man will be completing an incredible 8 day campaign where he will be running a half marathon in a city near you. Afruz Miah is hoping to help raise funds for 8 different countries across the world as part of the Global Relief Trust Winter Campaign. What’s the...
The easiest way to give your Qurbani in 3 simple steps. Dhul Hijjah is nearly here! Dhul Hijjah is a blessed time for Ummah to reap rewards, ask for forgiveness, and supplicate to Allah. It’s the only month when Hajj can be performed, when Eid is celebrated and Qurbani is offered. The Prophet (saw) said...
The Myriad Foundation has been making waves since 2013 with their ongoing projects and charitable services in Greater Manchester. With their substantial work, they have worked tirelessly to make changes to many lives and continue to make a remarkable impact on our communities. The well established organisation work towards bettering the community and empowering those...
Al Kaatib is famous for his stunning pieces of calligraphy and has been designing work for well known sport stars and celebrities. However his talent doesn’t stop there as he also has the art of raising money for charity. This trailblazer has been campaigning for the poor and needy and has raised over £250k! Foysol...
Guarantee yourself endless blessings “The gates of Paradise are opened and none of its gates are closed. A caller announces: O seeker of good, come near! O seeker of evil, stop short! Allah will save them from the Hellfire and that is during every night of Ramadan.” At Tirmidhi Ramadhan is slowly slipping away and...
The ‘Running Man’ is doing it again – but this time he’s running from Oldham to London in Ramadhan. That’s 313km in 23 days whilst fasting. How did it start? Afruz Miah has been non stop running since the first lockdown. After a visit to the doctor made him realise he needed to make drastic...
Give Brite is an online fundraising platform. Working with over 450 UK based charities. Give Brite also specialises I’m building bespoke tech that caters for the charity sector.