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A community activist and the Director of an online fundraising and donations platform have both spoken about being detained on separate occasions and questioned under a controversial law at Manchester Airport. Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 is a law that allows for travellers to be held, examined and searched at airports, international rail terminals and...
Story telling Crowdfunding is all about stories. Your audience will connect with your story if it is succinct and compelling. The way to achieve this is to share an honest and moving description of the cause you are collecting for. First, outline the difficulties around the cause and then move onto how donations will help to...
The Coronavirus Lockdown started in late March in the UK, as a result we have been restricted in so many ways. Lockdown has had a profound impact not only on how we lived over the past few months but also how we spent on good causes. “Muslims in the UK donated between £145M – £152M just...
The recent explosion in Beirut which is the capital city of Lebanon, has killed more than 200 people and injured more than 6000.  There are more than a hundred missing so far. These figures are subject to change as there are many people still trapped under wreckage. Beirut has been devastated by the explosion which occurred...
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